Liquidity Pool from KLAYswap
DEX | Liquidity Pool | Max Leverage | Liquidation Threshold |
KokonutSwap | 4 NUTS | 80% (5.0X) | 90% |
KokonutSwap | KLAY - KSD | 66.67% (3.0X) | 83.33% |
Please Note
Maximum Leverage may vary depending on the Token Pair of Liquidity Pools. Tokens with low volatility tend to have a higher Maximum Leverage and Liquidation Threshold. On the contrary, Tokens with high volatility have a lower Maximum Leverage and Liquidation Threshold.
Liquidity Pool Address
KokonutSwap: 4 NUTS 0x22e3ac1e6595b64266e0b062e01fae31d9cdd578
KokonutSwap: KLAY - KSD 0xe995b4a0289c33a28a1f14eb7b306387de71eb0e
Last updated